Friday, June 22, 2018

Night times are the best times!

Helloooooo! I'm exhausted but everyone is finally asleep meaning I can be alone with my thoughts for awhile. That trumps exhaustion, mmm, I'd say 80% of the time. Let's talk! :)

First off, I'm now up to date on Saga after reading book 6, 7, and 8 shown below...

Favorite character lately is Prince IV from the Robot Kingdom. (Hilarious!) My library didn't own past book six so I had to shell out a little money for the last two books. Book 9 comes out in the fall.
I'll leave a couple of my favorite scenes here and/or scenes that I didn't expect so I can look back later.
First of all, I did NOT expect to turn the page and see an erect penis in a book! HAHA! What made it more funny was what came next...
But of course the guy with a TV screen for a head would be broadcasting porn on his screen as he did his thing. I laughed out loud. Sucks to be Prince Robot IV because everybody knows what you're thinking!

Next up was Alana, the "Mom" in the series.
In the story, Alana has birthed two babies by now and well, it hasn't been the prettiest experience. When I turned to this page the very first thing I saw was her stomach and the very first thing I thought was, Awwww!! Look! Its just like mine! My second thought was, Hmm, and look! She's totally owning hers. I could hug the illustrator for that.

Overall, well done Saga! I look forward to more in the fall.

I'm still reading the boob book here and there as well as a textbook I didn't quite get through in school that I'm referencing now at work. Stay tuned for my next reading adventure.

As far as other pursuits of happiness, I'm still loving Witcher 3 and wish I had endless, uninterrupted hours to play. I also started a K-drama a few weeks back called I'm Not a Robot. Oh, how I've missed K-dramas!
The story is about this guy who is super rich and smart but allergic to humans. (LOLOL So very K-drama-like already!) He's lonely so he buys a robot girl to have instead of a human girl. Except, the "robot" girl gets broken so the scientists send a real girl in its place to pretend to be the robot until they can fix it. But maybe he's not allergic to this ONE girl??? Hmmm?? ;) Every episode makes me laugh out loud as she tries to be a robot and he gets more and more attached. I'm 10-15 episodes in and loving it!

News in real life is that this was the longest day of the year, meaning we're halfway through 2018 and I need to get busy! I have stuff I want to accomplish you know! :) Here's some reminders for myself, some fun things I've learned or done recently, and some things coming up.

  • I'm almost done picking paint colors.
  • I need to have one more contractor come out to give me a quote on my master bath remodel. That will give me four quotes and I've got to make a decision because this needed to be done forever ago!
  • Planting beds have been moved to their final resting places. I need more cardboard and need to find a place to deliver dirt or I'm just going to have to go the bag route. Ugh! $$$
  • I experienced the worst finger jam of my short life thus far. Was an interesting experience and not completely devoid of fun. Watching my finger turn blue, purple, green, and yellow as the days passed reminded me of a poem from school by Agra Gra called, And You Call Me Colored. I'll leave it at the bottom of this post. My kids sometimes tease me about turning colors when I bruise, blush, get sunburned, etc., while they continue to be...always brown. Little boogers. :)
  • I did a couple things that really pushed my boundaries and were out of my comfort zone and so far have ended up ok. Cheers to growth and growing pains!
  • I changed my own taillights and the oil in my mower! Yay for learning new little things and fun was had.
  • I can feel it, I'm putting in a new mailbox soon! The one I have has been taunting me since 2012 and at this point the box isn't even attached to the post. Your time is limited mailbox. I'm coming for you...
I think that's enough for now and I've got to get at least a few hours of sleep. Until next time!

Here's the poem:

When I was born I was black
When I was sad I was black
When I was hot I was black
When I was sick I was black
When I was scared I was black

When you was born you was pink
When you was sad you was blue
When you was hot you was red
When you was sick you was green
When you was scared you was yellow

And you call me colored.

~Agra Gra

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