Sunday, February 24, 2019

Another lazy Sunday

Well, its Sunday. Each one has a similar flavor; panic over what still needs to be done in order to be ready for the week ahead, trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life, and rebelliousness and refusal to do anything other than whatever the hell I want. I usually end up doing a smattering of all three and feel alright about it. Meh.

The garden is coming along and things seem to be growing this far. I'm not claiming victory yet.
The corn was planted this morning after soaking overnight so fingers crossed there that it won't be too cold for it. Technically, it wasn't supposed to go in before March but I wanted it to get a head start. Maybe I made a rookie mistake or maybe it will turn out ok. Like I said, fingers crossed.

Each morning I go out to look at the plants, pull a weed or two, see what's changed...overnight. lol Hey, it's relaxing, don't judge me! The dooder likes to come, too, and see what I'm up to. If I dig somewhere, he digs somewhere else. If I lay somewhere, he lays too. If I sit, he's right beside me. Today he observed me digging and planting the corn so he dug up a fresh patch of dirt in a sunny spot to relax and make sure all was going well.
Dooder approved
The basil is growing for sure and I think we'll be able to have homegrown pesto on pasta for dinner one night this week. Oh, and look who I found lurking there this morning. A ladybug! These guys are beneficial for the garden, eat pests, and more importantly have babies on the plants that turn into voracious, pest-eating predator larvae. RAWR!! Welcome to the basil neighborhood little guy! Invite your friends!
Create army please!
The tomato cages arrived the other day as well as the rest of the seeds. The rest of everything will go in the ground when March arrives. Anyway, so far, so good and that's enough of that for now!

I've given up on a few books I was trying to read in print. Sigh. The Russian story had gone absolutely NOWHERE a third of the way through  so that had to go. I tried for the fourth time to read a Dean Koontz novel and almost halfway through it I just couldn't hang any longer. Everybody seems to dig Dean Koontz but apparently he's not for me. I'm dabbling in a social media book for continuing education at work, picked up a project management for dummies book so I can get the scoop there, and may tackle the next Saga which is at my house right now. I miss Lying cat. Plus, that'll be short and I think I need a confidence booster.

For anyone on Netflix and looking for something to watch, I'm completely stuck up the butt of this documentary called Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat. Here's the trailer.

Love her, love the food, love watching her cook, love that she takes inspiration from all over the world. Check it out!

Well, I was going to mow the front yard but ooooooh darn, its raining now. ;) Guess I'll just have to continue doing nothing!

Until next time...

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