Sunday, August 26, 2018

A lazy Sunday

It's a Sunday and nap-time is imminent. The most productive thing that's happened all day is the purchase of seeds for the garden and a new houseplant. By far, the greatest things that have happened today are the completion of The Namesake which I've been struggling through since July and my son learning how to make homemade mashed potatoes. If I'm smart, I'll teach him how to make my favorite soups and then pay him to make them for me whenever I'm sick. Haha!

Things I see looming in the near future:

  • painting at least half the living room and trim (I'm toying with the idea of tackling this one this week)
  • making my first trip to IKEA (seeking a simple, clean, and more streamlined table to replace a bulky computer desk and will support two desktop computers and two chairs) What's pictured below is, I'm sure, what my two children think I'm creating for them; their gamer's paradise. Hahaha...probably not quite...
  • Choosing and ordering a new computer for said table
  • Updating the old resume and all that...again. Plus I'm going to have to suck it up and create a CV for myself, as pathetic as it will make me feel. (Not excited about this but it only helps me in the end if its done)
  • Trying my hand at blueberry varenyky which start out something like this apparently (Not many ways that could go bad!)

  • There may be an opportunity to attend a professional conference in September where I'll be given free shoes and be able to apply for a scholarship to attend an even bigger professional conference next year (Win/Win!!)
  • one new pair of bottoms for the gym (currently stalking Lulu's, Gymshark, and FLEO)
  • a completed mailbox installation (GEEZ!!)
  • the creation of this requested birthday cake for my spouse (Butter Pecan Ice Cream Cake)

Sigh...The end of the year is looming as well as my birthday and two trips to see family and I feel a little sad every time I think of all that. Time is passing and I don't know what's coming next which is beautiful and terrifying at the same time. Oh well. This is life. :)

I've checked out eleven print books in the last week and even though I'm still in the middle of an audio book and an eBook, I'm off to choose a new one to read out of the group and plant my little baby seeds in the earth.

I'll leave you with a song as usual. This old favorite of mine came through Pandora the other day, got put on repeat, and fueled an entire workout, nice and steady.


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