Saturday, October 2, 2010

the life of one stay-at-home-mom...

My time management needs some work.  There, ahhhhh, that first step is always the hardest right? 

So...what am I going to do about this little issue?  I have vowed to write down all of my activities for a week so I can see where I can be more efficient and plan accordingly.  Yesterday was my first day and as I looked back on my day I giggled.  Instead of doing anything in large blocks of time which is what I thought I was doing, my day was a LONG list of 15 minutes activities for the most part.  I thought it would be fun to write everything I did here and preserve a day in my life as a stay-at-home-mom with a toddler and infant.  So here it goes...

Woke up by kids at 9am

hang out with kids...

make everyone breakfast, eat, put away clean dishes, change diapers...

hang out with kids...

kid's baths...

rock baby to sleep...

hold/nurse sleeping baby while watching latest episode of Vampire Diaries and start a new movie...

make Derek's 4 month old well-baby checkup appointment...

hang out with Rice and kids...

pay bills...

put Derek to sleep...


work on/plan finances...


hold both kids...

hang out with Rice and kids...


make everyone lunch, eat...

feed Derek...

hang out with kids...

groom myself (ie. shower, brush teeth, etc.)...

more laundry...

hang out with only Taison...

planning/reviewing goals...

outdoor cardio with both kids in tow...

more laundry and cleaning...

Make everyone dinner, eat...

more planning/appointment making...


try to learn about selling on EBay/hang out with Taison...

put Taison to sleep...

EBay learning again/work on my first listing...

watch another part of movie...

1:30am  BEDTIME!!

While this is not every single thing I did yesterday (extreme multi-tasking is a mom must) it sums up the major stuff pretty well.  What can I look forward to tomorrow?  Pretty much the same thing, with different to-do's/errands.  And so on and so forth.

I have a little over three more years of being a stay-at-home-mom/student left and while the kids and I absolutely love it, sometimes it leaves me feeling like this...

NIN-Everyday Is Exactly The Same

: )  What are your days like?

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