Sunday, September 30, 2018

Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello,...

...hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, aaaaaand its getting weird to type. 😜

Progress has been made on the new computer desk! I decided to go for something like this as far as the desk goes...
(minus the keyboard thing, I hate those)
I can only fit a 6' desk in the space and I have two computers so my fingers are crossed that I can make it work with comfortable enough spacing for two people. Anyway, both drawer units have been bought and assembled. Initially, I was going to buy a butcher block countertop for the top but I haven't liked the amount of bad reviews for how high the cost is at the big box stores and I'd imagine the price would be even higher elsewhere. BUT! I've been pouring over YouTube videos and I think I can make something similar and suitable! My plan is to take measurements and choose the stain this week. My life consists of so many baby steps. Always baby steps. Sigh. Patience, Aberiah. Patience.

Painting continues. I made no progress on that this weekend and the wall paint on the trim is driving me bonkers. I keep telling myself...If you would just finish painting the walls you can make that trim look so pretty! Ask me if that's been working...😐

I saw that So Ji Sub has a new movie called Be With You. I don't want to forget so I'm putting it here. He's one of my favorites so I honestly don't even care too much what its about, I'll watch it. I've literally boo-hoo cried from every drama and movie I've ever watched of his and he hasn't let me down yet. I mean come on, look at that pic. They're going to hurt me and make me cry I can tell! Will devour this within the next few weeks I'm sure.

That's enough for now. Lost my desire to talk anymore. I'll come back to you soon but first...

...three things I'm grateful for today.
  1. The internet!
  2. My education!
  3. Leisure time!
What were you grateful for today? Night!!

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