Thursday, March 4, 2010

new robe for Taison in the works...

Okay, about my new sewing venture...its going to be another robe for my little guy who is three now. Same pattern as the last one (which was Florida Gators fleece) but three sizes bigger and this time he picked out US Air Force Fleece. Go figure since hubby is in the Navy. Ah well, the boy saw jets and wanted jets. So fabric prep is done, machine has been threaded, notions have been bought, layout, cutting, and marking are done--I am ready to sew this baby together. Here is the ridiculous part! I cut it out upside down AGAIN! I did the same thing to the last one I made. Either this thing is cursed or I need to stop cutting at night before bed. Hmmm, probably the latter. At least its just a fleece bath robe and not something uber expensive.

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