Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Things are beginning to settle

Okay! It feels like I'm settling in at the new job a bit now and I can finally relax some and gather my thoughts. Let's see...what's happened...

Obviously, the bigger, better job has been started. It's AMAZEBALLS and I can't really talk about it here. More on that a little later. Suffice to say that tonight I was walking around the building near closing time I wanted to squeeze my boss and tell her how happy I was to be there, doing all the things! I truly love my job.

Speaking of the job, I finally have a desk again which is mega exciting for me for some reason. Today I took in my little lamp and two little pics of my kids. I've been adding little by little, day by day and its starting to feel more like mine. Awww. Something I seem to be in need of every day is a coaster. I realized pretty quickly from searching for one online that I can easily make my own with a piece of square tile, an image, and some Mod Podge which I have in the garage. Crafting time is definitely going to go down for a customized coaster to go on my desk! Yes!! :) Just have to choose an image.

On to reading!

I finished Richard Matheson's, Hell House, which to my understanding was supposed to be a classic as far as haunted house stories go. Mmm, I dug it enough. Some of the characters annoyed the piss out of me and for as much build up as there was about the house in the beginning, more could have went down. More gore! More killing! More haunting! Lol I give it 3.5 stars.

I also finished the 9th volume in Saga by Brian K. Vaughn. It took me a bit to get back into what was happening in the story and then it was kind of slow but then it really took off at the end, threw out something I wasn't expecting, and left me with a cliffhanger!! Ewwwww! I love it. I'm guessing this volume was kind of a building one and that the 10th one is going to flyyy.

Currently, I'm listening to the original Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. The best way I can describe this is that its like a treat every time I'm in the car. The word play literally makes me smile at times and I'm hearing parts of the story I never got from watching the Disney version. I think if I'd actually read this as a kid or teen it would have been a favorite. It's short, too! Love it, love it.

More, you say? Yes! Lol I finally snatched up a copy of The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. This book is short and has been translated into sooooo many languages so I had to see what was up. So far its insane and I love it. Here's the Wikipedia page for it if you're curious.

The garden is doing awesome! Here's a couple updated pics of that in case it all goes down the drain soon or something. Lol

Oh! The gate in the back yard rotted and was falling off so I gathered myself up (which was not easy, see last post) and built a new one. It seems to have turned out pretty well. Who knew? Gates are pretty easy to build! What's harder than building a gate you ask? Why, attaching the handle/locking mechanism onto it. That's what! So hard...smh

Last but not least, some new baby plants have been added to the house. Still sticking to the "easy" plants for now since I'm unsure about my abilities but they're happy so far and even growing some! Yay! :) There are two types of english ivy, a spider plant, a hoya and two kind of pothos.

No quotes or anything extra to end tonight. I've been mulling over moving this blog somewhere else though. I'd like to be a little freer with what I can say and would like to talk about my job sometimes as well which I wouldn't want to lead back to me in anyway. Its been a thought for a while now so I'm putting it here. Still not sure though and not in any big hurry.

And that's a wrap shitheads! Night!

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