Sunday, May 6, 2018

To books, treats, and new beginnings!

Let's dive right in, shall we?

I finished Christmas Caramel Murder which turned out to be absolutely awful all the way to the end. At least it was consistent. Right?! It was so bad that I'm laughing as I write this. Wow. At least it was short but I can definitively say that I am not a fan of Joanne Fluke or cozy mysteries. The experience wouldn't be complete without making something from the book. Therefore, let me introduce the strangest cookies I've ever made, "Red Velvet Whippersnapper Cookies".

I ate one to taste it and my feelings about them are sort of...blah. They taste OK but I'd take my oatmeal chocolate-chip babies over these any day. Despite how they look, they are bursting with mini chocolate chips. The rest of my family devoured them and the remaining dough is in the freezer for another day. Despite all, I was mildly amused by this whole thing so thumbs up. Laying this little adventure to rest!

To catch you up on the grilled cheese spree, I've had to take a small break. To make a long story short, the book has been purchased instead of repeatedly checking it out from the library and should arrive on my doorstep any day. Recipe #3 contained cherries, basil, and ricotta cheese. I wouldn't say it tasted bad...but that's only because I made it. Unfortunately, the poor, unloved sandwiches didn't make it and found themselves in the trash a few days later when no one would eat anymore. We just couldn't get down with the cherry and basil mixture. Three recipes down, forty-seven more to go!

I started reading The Mountain Between Us by Charles Martin and it has been exactly what the doctor ordered.
It was made into a movie with Idris Elba (YAAAASSSS!!!!) and Kate Winslet and I've heard it does the book justice, which almost never happens. The book is wonderful and I'm excited for this ride.
I'll add a weird quirk here. In general, I like love stories but they aren't always easy to swallow. This one is good so its been especially painful. Sometimes I have to put it down for a minute or only read a couple pages at a time. I watch a lot of horror movies for this reason...because its too hard or I don't feel like handling the sometimes painful emotions that surface for me when I watch a love story. Pretty sure that's one of those previously damaged parts of me causing a little sting there. Very manageable though. Moving on!

I've moved up in the world of employment and have left one job for a bigger and better one. I'm still adjusting to this bigger and better job so I'll save that for another day. For now, I had an awesome last day at the old one where coworkers showered me with gifts and goodies and teased me about having no emotions about leaving. Oh, how little they know! :) I received one gift that was extra special though.
  • A little history first. Growing up, my mom made all of our cakes and we were to request which kind we wanted each year for our birthdays. My favorite cake, hands down, was homemade chocolate mayonnaise cake and I'd simply switch up the icing each time. Until recently, I was under the impression that this was a top-secret family recipe that had been passed down through generations; at least since the generation that was first able to buy mayonnaise in a store. Hmm, I'll admit I didn't think that one

When I walked in the break room on my last day I saw this; homemade chocolate mayonnaise cake with homemade chocolate buttercream frosting! OMG!

My work mom had made it for me the night before and had no idea she had whipped up my favorite type of cake. It was a little eerie actually but tasted so good!!! It was the best kind of last day, as last days go.

Two people in my life are graduating this week! My sister will officially become a doctor on Tuesday and the friend who's been with me through thick and thin since middle school walks across the stage this morning to receive his masters degree. I'm streaming it live this morning so I can watch his big moment. Soooooo proud of both of them!

'Til next time!!

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