Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Blaaaaah I don't have a title blaaaaaaaahhh

I found the freaking mailbox post I wanted after four different attempts at multiple stores. It took weeks! What is this? Mailbox season?! Gaze upon my prize...

Weird story about it...As I'm checking out at Lowe's with my giant 6' tall mailbox post in the cart along with a shiny new black mailbox, the woman running the transaction first asks me if it was mine or theirs.

I paused LOL and then explained that the post was theirs (Lowe's) and I would like to buy it. She then asks me if its a cross...

Another pause...Do they sell giant crosses at Lowe's? I wasn't sure how to respond at this point but I went with it and told her nope, it wasn't a cross. I guess that cleared everything up for her because I was out the door in no time with no other strange questions. It made me laugh and I wanted to hug her later for being so odd. Well, maybe not hug, but something. My kid's going to paint the post for me so more on this later.

I finally got myself to the movie theater again and caught TAG. So ridiculous lol. Next up will be a Bollywood which show here at one theater on Sundays. I haven't been able to go to one in over a year now I think. Miss them!

Also knocked something off the ole' bucket list!! I wanted to tube somewhere in Florida so I set up an excursion to Itchetucknee Springs and did the thing!

It was amazeballs and my oldest and I loved every second of it. My spouse? Not so much. Though he said later that he had a good enough time, I laughed so hard at one point during the experience because his face was soooo concerned. He looked concerned when he saw the sign that said there were alligators. He looked at all vegetation and wildlife with concern. Every time we floated close to the edge of the spring he got concerned and when we saw a snake there was a lot of concern. LOL My youngest was the same though maybe not yet as extreme. Oh well. Different strokes for different folks! Would definitely like to go again but maybe alone this time so I can relax a bit more and enjoy nature.

Still reading the same books but I'm getting antsy. The Breasts book pissed me off by telling me that breasts don't fully develop until they've gone through a complete pregnancy and that somehow this process theoretically may help reduce our risk of breast cancer later. Also, that after growing to mammoth sizes, when breastfeeding is over, something like 80%(?) of breast tissue just...disappears!! First of all, that's great, really great...NOT. Second, (as I look down at my chest) so this is fully developed breasts? PASS!!! The book has been cast aside in disgust for the moment. Lol.

Too tired to go on! Now, get out of my face. I'm going to bed.

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