Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Another day of life has passed

I had planned all day to eat a boiled egg and some cashews before bed tonight but when I got home the eggs had all been consumed. Sigh. Thus, I'm eating cashews and peanut butter instead.

...I'm dipping my cashews into my peanut butter. That's right...nuts dipped in nut butter. I know, its blowing my mind, too. Its also making my mouth so dry and sticky I feel like I can't swallow anymore.

Hmm, what else has happened? Oh, yes. I knocked a bucket list item off! Your girl got her passport! 😎 It came in the mail the other day so its officially done. You know there will be a goal coming along at some point where I leave the country, right? Yes, yes, you know. lol

I'm also the owner of a beautiful new mailbox in my front yard! That's right. I finally installed the mailbox after six years of living in this house. I may come back later and upload a pic...probably not. Lol I bought the wrong size numbers so its numberless at the moment but that'll be fixed in no time. I'm kind of in love with it since it took so long and no one can bring me down from my mailbox high. 😉


I did have some unpleasantness today. Someone called me a bitch, told me I was a pain in their ass, and a few other not so nice things. It was direct and they meant it. Taken out of context it sounds mean but, to be fair, within the relationship I have with this person, their current situation, and the way they view my choices in life and the way I am, its true. I deserved it, took it, and understood why but that doesn't mean the truth of it didn't sting. It stung all day and it still stings. That's all I'll say about that here. I'm sure it will make no sense to anyone other than me but when I look back the point is for me to remember anyway so there it is.

While we're still down here in the dump I'll tell you this. My garden failed HARD. Most seeds didn't even sprout and the ones that did have mostly died out or barely grown. I've never had anything even remotely close to this happen in this house, or ever, so I'm thinking it has to be the soil I had delivered. I'm really disappointed but onward and upward and you live and you learn, right? I'll probably cover the beds in black covers to snuff out weeds and come spring I'll do some soil testing and add some good stuff in before planting. Booo...😢

Let's bring it back up now! I finished the audiobook I was listening to about things parents say to their kids and am now on the hunt for something new. I'm figuring out that I prefer to read fiction in print but non-fiction seems way more digestible as audiobooks during commutes. Yada yada...

What else?! I have a new weight belt and its awesome! Don't know what a weight belt is? That's not important. Just know that its awesome. 😉 Speaking of weights, I seem to have reached the point now where the weight is sometimes heavy enough to make me pee a little and therefore its time to find a pelvic floor specialist to finally correct whatever damage birthing two babies probably did to my pelvic floor way back when. That's waaaaay too much information and thus I will be going. Lol

I'll leave you with an old Lenny Kravitz favorite that came on the other night when I was shopping in Lowes. Bravo, Lowes, for enhancing my shopping experience! Until next time, Let Love Rule!! ;)

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