Thursday, September 13, 2018

Did you know?

Did you know...
...that when you go to get those online driving directions, there are tools in there that can tell you what time you need to leave "Point A" to arrive at "Point B" at your desired time, based on typical traffic patterns for that area and time of day? Mind blown!

...that the plant I bought for my house a week or two ago is poisonous to my dog? I didn't and now I'm conflicted. He hasn't touched it at all and its not really deathly poisonous so.... If my dog dies from that plant, I'll never forgive myself...but for now its staying.

...that more important than setting a nightly bedtime and sticking to it, is setting a morning wake up time and sticking to it? Yes, that means weekends as well. Boo! I'm debating if I'm gonna give this a trial period for two weeks.

...that lots of people eat their boogers and they may be giving their immune systems a boost in the process? I know...that's a rough one. Let's keep moving. lol

...that the thing our parents did where they poured Hydrogen Peroxide into our open wounds to kill bacteria actually isn't that effective and damages some of the healthy stuff in the process? Better to flush them out with good old water.

...that you're awesome? 😉 You are. 💕

All things I've learned from reading this week.

An opportunity fell into my lap today so I took it and did a new thing that I've wanted to do for years now. I tasted some Peruvian food. I don't think what I chose was the most Peruvian thing I could've gotten so I won't give a verdict yet. I had something called Pollada. The entry says this:

Pollada-Marinated dark meat chicken in Peruvian peppers and chef's seasonings, deep fried and served with golden potato slices and rice.

I'm feeling lonely tonight so now its your turn. Tell me something I maybe didn't know because I love to learn. Bye!

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