Tuesday, January 29, 2019

End of day blabbering

Another day comes to an end. The stars were bright and beautiful tonight and I secretly stood outside of my house for a couple minutes to try to find some I knew. I can only ever seem to find Orion's belt. I can't even find the dippers anymore. I think it would be amazing to lay on the beach on a clear, warm night and try to find constellations.

I'm in the last stretch of Frankenstein. Who knew that Frankenstein was actually the name of the scientist guy and not the creature he put together? I didn't. (SPOILER ALERT) Soooo...he was a bad creator and royally pissed his creation off. The monster has now killed everyone he's ever loved and they are in a wild goose chase all over the globe. What's going to happen?! I don't think I ever knew the end of this story so I truly don't know. lol. Will Frankenstein manage to kill his creation once and for all or will his creation keep tormenting him until he dies? Would the creation die eventually as well? All questions I hope to have answered in the next few days. I love stories. :)

My kid asked me yesterday for a bottle of plain Elmer's glue, food coloring, and old fashioned foam shaving cream. I procured these items at the store this morning and sat them on his bed. When I came home from work tonight he was proudly waiting inside the door with some kind of slime he created! What am I going to do with this one?!? I haven't yet looked into his laboratory a.k.a. his bedroom but I'm scared of what I might find. Gee whiz.

I applied yet again for a bigger, better job so we'll see if I can make it this time. Not much to say there. Just playing the waiting game again. Sigh.

Well...I'm off to bed. I've been honored with the opportunity to read a short story that one of my coworkers wrote today called, The Soulist. I have no idea what its about except that apparently there is a creepy apple somewhere in there and that it holds one of the best lines she's ever written. I'll try to find that.

Goodnight world...

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