Monday, February 11, 2019

Funny book PSA

So, I started a new book--Caitlin Moran's How to be a Woman--and I haven't laughed this hard from a book since I read Allie Brosh's Hyperbole and a Half a few years ago. I'm dying. The other night on the way home from work there was a bit where she told the story of how she started her period and the subsequent few months where she tried to figure things out and adapt. Tears were coming out of my eyes from laughter. I was laughing so hard I was trying not to laugh anymore because my face hurt. Today, on the walk home from the gym I was listening and it was all about pubic hair or what she likes to call a muff, or a whole host of other hilarious names that she tosses around. Lest I look like a crazy person, I desperately tried to hold my giggles in while enjoying the breeze, intermittent sunshine, and all the little signs of impending spring that I passed along the way. Baby leaves are emerging!!! Yay!

Back to what I was saying. The book is hilarious and I like that we can laugh about all the crazy shit about being a woman and a girl. I wonder if there are books like this about men? I think a guy would also find it hilarious to listen to another guy's crazy stories about how he tried to deal with all the crazy things about puberty like unpredictable erections. I mean, both sexes deal with shit and everybody goes through it. Its relatable and funny!

I tried a couple other books before this one but none stuck. Have no idea where this will go but so far so good and she seems like my type of feminist. We'll see!

In other news...

  1. My kid unknowingly started a fire in the empty kitchen last night and nobody even knew it was ablaze until the fire alarms went off and he ran through the house screaming, "FIRE! FIRE!!" Scared me good. The kids are trying to kill me slow, I know it. I can feel but I love them anyway.
  2. I have a visible bruise on my face from I don't know what. No one's noticed but me so it must not be noticeable but it still hurts lol
  3. I ripped my zombie toenail back again. It was excruciating and I can see that it bled under the nail again from being ripped away from the skin. Sigh. Will my nail never be right again?!
  4. Its finally warm enough to wear a dress to work! Most of my work dresses are black but I think I'd like a red dress. Mmm, yes. A red one! I'll try to make it happen this year lol
Nothing more to say for now. I'm either going to head out into the sunshine to lay out or weed the garden, play Assassin's Creed Origins, or make something called creamy herbed potatoes that I found a recipe for. Then, its off to work for the night.

Toodles, asswipes!

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