Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'm going scaleless!!

That's right...I'm going scaleless for awhile.  Our beloved scale/bodyfat "measurer" has recently died.  It was a great scale and lasted us many years.  Let's have a moment of silence...

Soooo, I have been weighing my options for a new scale for the last two weeks.
-old fashioned mechanical scale (simple, cheap, and I trust it more buuuut hard to see and doesn't give me bodyfat)
-scale/bodyfat combo again (does it all but expensive, none of them really have great reviews and sometimes they are wildly inaccurate depending on time of day and hydration levels)
-go scaleless! (there are various ways of measuring bodyfat which is one part of what I am most concerned with buuuut without knowing my weight I can't know how much lean muscle I have, had or gaining)

Well, I don't feel like spending that much money on a scale right now--because I would rather buy things like blackout curtains for my bedroom (sleepy sigh/yawn)--so I looked to my books.  I am certified as a personal trainer but don't work as one so I sought out my formulas, took my measurements and got calculating.  While this is not an end-all-be-all way of knowing your bodyfat by far, if done consistently I will be able to see gains or losses of fat. Woohoo!  So, my bodyfat as of today is......
Hard seeing that number when two years ago right before I got pregnant it was at 16% buuuuuuut I had a baby eight months ago and it was about what I expected.  Starting numbers are starting numbers.
What to do from here?? Cardio, strength training, clean eating, and all that jazz.  It will be fun watching that number drop!  What are you doing with your body right now?  Join me on my scaleless journey.

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