Tuesday, February 9, 2010

just chatting into cyberspace

Okay so we are on day three of the garden. Still no seedlings but I shouldn't expect to see anything for about another four days. I really suck at remembering to water them daily so they have been getting their watering at about 3am everyday as that is around the time that I remember.

On another note, my little one turned three today. What a big day! We had a small party for him with some family and his little cousins. He had fun, there were gifts, there was cake, it was all good but my goodness was that stressful. I have never been more sure that I am not the entertaining type. I was stressed out all weekend about having people flowing through my house. I believe that everyone has a personal space all their own. It may be small or large but it is private and relaxing for them. Maybe it is your car, or the bathtub, or your bedroom or office. Well, mine happens to be my entire house. I hate having people in my house around my personal things and everything in my house falls under the category of "my personal things". Its one of the things I have a really hard time with about being married/living with someone because my husband has friends and family over sometimes and of course it is his house too so that is his prerogative but I get very uncomfortable until everyone leaves again.

On to sewing...I have been getting the sewing itch back lately. I cleaned my sewing space up and there are tons of new cute patterns to be made BUT I am still a big fat pregnant lady for a few more months so I bought a maternity shirt pattern for now just to be working on something. I have some purple jersey in my small stash but I need to pick up some tissue paper for tracing the pattern and then I can get started. I'm sure I will let you all know when that is. Okay, enough for tonight.

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