Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Checking in...

Look at those beautiful beds there! Few more weeks to go before they get loaded up!!

Nothing much to say here today. I'm tired but content, at work, and simply want to put in a good, solid day before I sleep tonight.

There's about four weeks left before the kids go back to school and it's now crunch time. Supplies from supply lists must be bought and gathered, fresh haircuts must be acquired, two practically complete new wardrobes must be purchased because the current have either been outgrown or worn out from summer fun, and this year presents new quirks. I have one going into middle school...dun, dun, DUHHHHH...lol

...which has an entirely different arrival and departure time from the younger child. Do I have to register him for this new school? Does he need shots? A physical? How does he sign up for extracurricular activities? Does he want to? What's available? Should I push for that? Is this a free lunch school as well or do I need to add money somewhere? Where and how? Won't he need a PE uniform? Where's that info? Do I need to talk with him about public showers? As in, "Boy, wash the sweat off your ass!!!" How is he getting to school/getting home? Can he ride a bike? Too far? Is it safe in traffic? What if its lightning after school? What about the bus? Do I have to register him for that? What's the bus schedule? Is he mature enough now to be home alone after school? Definitely need to sit down and have that talk with him. We don't have a landline anymore so do I let him keep his cell service since that will be the only way to call in an emergency?

Basically, I'm doing a lot of answer-hunting and money-hoarding for the upcoming end of summer.

I'm out! :)

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