Saturday, July 28, 2018

Some things

Helloooooo out there!!!!...out there...there...the.... That was an echo. Did you get it?! Lol Jokes...smh. Moving on!

My boss and I had a short, impromptu chat the other day about work, husbands, kids, stress, and womanhood. Incidentally, now close to retirement and single, she's getting rid of old tableware and a discussion began about how cathartic it would be to break all those plates and things instead (e.g. throw them, smash them, use them to shoot skeet). You get the picture and ahhhhhh, it was sweet. The next day when I arrived to work  I found this plate with my name on it; slightly cracked, hand-painted, and adorned with a sticker. I'm going to break this innocent plate and it's going to feel good...stay tuned. Lol (Note to self: become this kind of boss one day.)

Ukrainian Folk Tales has wrapped and now resides on my annual, digital bookshelf within Goodreads. Do you think that stopped me from delving into another book even though I'm still in the middle of two others? No, it did not! Amy Poehler's, Yes Please, has been making me salivate for months.
I caught it available as an e-audiobook the other day, jumped all over it, and have been chuckling during commutes ever since! Yes, please!!

Opportunity has fallen into my lap once again at work so I'll be using this coming week to work extra from home to complete an extra project or two, take advantage of those opportunities, relax, recharge, and have a little fun dammit! Summer's almost over!!

I'll leave you with a painting; Hieronymus Bosch's painting Garden of Earthly Delights. I ran into this section of the painting in a book at work this week. You'll have to enlarge the image to see but there's a lot of weirdness going on in this painting and I'm a true sucker for hidden weirdness in paintings! It begged me to look it up so I did.
I found the rest of it (below) and spent quite a bit of time studying each section. The guy/girl who's bent over with flowers sticking out of his/her butt is a fave. Find that one. ;)

Headed to the land of napping for a bit. Byeeeee!

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