Sunday, July 1, 2018

Not much to say here but checking in...

I have a serious problem with checking out too many books from the library at once. Some people shop, I check out books. I'll never be able to read them all and its ridiculous. Let me give you a glimpse of the madness.

I'm cooking from this cookbook, Mamushka: Recipes from Ukraine and Eastern Europe by Olia Hercules. Well, I have...a little. I do a lot of looking! I'm squeezing one more recipe out of this baby before she goes back! It's served me well so far though. Might come home with me again at some point.

I'm over halfway through Ukrainian Folk-tales by Christina Oparenko and they are fabulous! All have been different from the kind of tales I grew up with via Aesop and Disney. Two thumbs up!
Unexpectedly, I'm halfway through the boob book now. I was expecting to skip around but each chapter's as fascinating as the last and I might end up going cover to cover with this one. I finished a chapter today on the (apparently very sketchy) history of breast implants. Some of this stuff reads like a horror film!! Yet, we continue to do it all in the name of "beauty". I'll save my views on this matter for another time.

I've dug into The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri which was a NEA Big Read in my city while I was in school so I missed out and am just now getting to it. I had to listen to everyone rave about it at the time and the author even came to my library. THAT'S OKAY GUYS!! READING IT NOW, THANKS! ;)
What is a NEA Big Read? So glad you asked!
There's more to it but it goes something like this. The National Endowment for the Arts chooses a specific book, everybody reads it at the same time (like an entire city for example, or state maybe, or nationally, not sure), then there are a massive amount of programs related to the book (e.g., book discussions, author talks, all kinds of stuff where people can get together and do things related to the book).

Want to know more? Want to join in next year? Here's the link.

Oh, you thought we were done? No honey, no. I'm listening to a very ridiculous e-audiobook when I can't deal with music. Don't ask me the name because I haven't even paid attention. I have a second audiobook on CD's in my car about some stalker guy just in case...idk...I get bored or something while I'm driving and the e-audiobook nor music nor the phone is working for me?!! LOLOL I've checked out two other fiction books on top of all this but I'll never get to them in a three week period. I mean, come on.

That's enough about that. Not much to update here.

  • I hung out at the beach today and took an epic nap. 
  • Still working on picking paint colors though I'm really close. I think I've found the colors I want but still deciding which rooms get which colors.
  • Jobs are going well, getting some more hours for July, which means paychecks will be more fun. 
  • I survived my kid being in another city for an entire week which was WEIRD!!! 
  • I'm putting my family back on the budget train for awhile. I've got money goals over here and its July already.

I doubt I'll get much done this week aside from working, gym-ing, and Mom-ing but it will be okay regardless. Ah, I miss watching movies at the movie theater.

I'll leave you with two songs. Just songs passing through. The first is Cardi B's I Like It featuring Bad Bunny and J Balvin. I'm okay with her part and the guy at the end but the guy in the middle...not so much.

While I was listening to this over the course of a couple days I wanted the sample. So I found it! Here's Pete Rodriguez's I Like it Like That and I like it like that!! Yep, my jokes are bad.

What are you missing right now?

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