Friday, March 1, 2019

Pesto and Bats!

Basil happened!!
First basil harvest of the year!
 So pesto happened!!
A ton of pesto!
Yay and yum! I love how bright green it is when its fresh and the smell was heaven. All basil and garlicky. Mmmm. I got a lot more basil than I anticipated from just the tiny bit it had grown so far and its just going to keep growing. Basically, its going to be pesto summer 2019 in here.

  • Pesto on baked potatoes
  • Pesto on pasta
  • Pesto on eggs
  • Pesto on rice
  • Pesto on steak
  • Pesto instead of pizza sauce
  • Pesto on baguettes
  • Pesto on steak
  • Pesto in soups
  • Pesto everywhere!!! 
Fortunately, everyone in the house loves the stuff. My littlest couldn't stop sneaking little tastes while I was making it. I'll be keeping the bigger container out and will freeze the bags. Anything that can come out of the garden, be frozen, and still be good later is wonderful, isn't it?! Plus, pesto is expensive at the store. I'm grateful not to have to buy it for awhile.

Guess what else? I believe the corn started sprouting today! I'll catch a pic in the next day or two once I see how its going to do. This is pretty much exactly what I looked like when I went out to the garden this morning to check and saw it...

Guess what else, else? lol We have bats at my job that come out each night (obviously as that's what bats do lol smh) and now that its getting warmer, if it's not busy we like to congregate outside to see them off. For some reason this never gets old and the sounds they make are extremely cute. This week I caught a bit on video because I wanted to put it here so I could always remember a happy thing from this job.

That's it for tonight shit-stains! I'll leave you with these two quotes that resonated with me this week.

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
-J.R.R. Tolkien

"Trauma creates change you don't choose. Healing is about creating change you do choose."
-Michelle Rosenthal


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