Thursday, July 12, 2018

Let's talk wine

Sit down and I'll tell you a tale of the time I took myself on a months-long wine tasting adventure to prove someone wrong. Ok, not really telling a tale. Just sit down and I'll tell you about some wines I tasted recently. Sit down!!

I never liked wine. Yes, I had limited experience with the stuff but the point is that I had written it off in my mind as something everyone else seemed to love that I thought was gross.

Now, I'm at work one day and was talking to a wine salesman that frequents my place of employment and often stops to chat. This guy talked about wines every single time I saw him and I always "Hmm'd", smiled, and nodded along but for some reason I decided that day to drop a bomb on the conversation and I disclosed my dirty little wine secret; that I hated it! He was flabbergasted and the challenge was on. He told me its not possible, that I just hadn't found the right wine for me yet. He asked me a series of questions about my taste preferences and I told him to write down three wines that even a person who hates wine would like. So it started with these...

Stella Rosa Black-I hated to hand it to the guy but this was the very first one I tasted from his list of three and it blew me out of the water. I buzzed only slightly which was a nice feeling. Very yummy and ended up being my favorite red wine. Apparently, I'm a sweet wine girl. Who knew?! :)

Costa Rosa Sangue Di Giuda Dell'Otrepo Pavese-Next up was this tongue twister and another red wine. This one was not on wine saleman's list. However, almost every time I went to the liquor store they were out of the one I was looking for next, whatever that may be. Never fear though! According to the wine guy at the liquor store who became my guiding star of wine shopping, this wine was one I would definitely like if I liked Stella. Per wine guy, there are two versions of this. The one in the regular bottle is, well, regular but the one in this bottle shown above (no, that's not me folks) is like a slightly carbonated version of the same exact wine. I got carbonated and ran! This one was good! Didn't buzz at all but it tasted second best to Stella. Wine guy and wine salesman started out with good grades in my book.

San Sebastian Vintners Red-Then I hit a dud with this nastiness. A failing grade from wine salesman's list. Ugh, just gross but I buzzed. I had to chug it because I couldn't handle the taste. Ewww, moving on.

7 Moon Red Blend-It took me weeks to get ahold of this one and it turned out to put even San Sebastian to shame. The nastiness knew no bounds. Wasn't sure I could or even wanted to finish my glass. I did though, chugged again, and buzzed so hard!!! That was fun and all lol but still nasty...

There was another one or two red wines in there that wine guy was selling me as I was waiting for the ones of my list to become available. If I remember their names I'll update this post later. Moving on to the whites!!

I ran into wine salesman again at work and reported my findings. Congratulations were offered for finally finding a red wine I liked but we weren't done yet! What if I need a white wine?! I was given orders to try Stella Rosa Moscato D'Asti since I liked Stella Rosa Black so much. Of course they didn't have it in stock when I went so wine guy sent me on my way with two others...

Costa Rosa Bianco Provincia Di Pavia-Yummy enough stuff and I figured out the trend. If you like the red or white version of one, you will probably like the sister-wife version. ;) I buzzed a little. Thumbs up.

Plumeria Moscato D'Asti-More yummy-ness and I buzzed some more. Hooray for the buzz! I feel like I tried the sister-wife version of this one but can't remember for sure. Is there such a thing?? Anyway, I'd drink this again. Wine guy was killing it by this point. I felt like he'd figured me out for good.

Stella Rosa Moscato D'Asti-Last but not least we had the one wine salesman recommended. I tried this one tonight and it was grand. Kinda bubbly, not nasty, win win!

So that's a wrap for my little wine tasting challenge. Wine salesman gets a B- or C+, wine guy is the top student in the class, and I found some wines I liked! In the end though I noticed that the ones I liked the most had the lowest alcohol content. Does that mean I still don't like wine because I like whatever is closest to grape juice?

Wanna buy me some wine? Something sweet, fruity, and with the lowest alcohol content available is sure to win me over.

What kind of wine do you dig?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The ending had me rolling, due to the fact its how i feel too. Something sweet, and low alcohol content, will win me over.