Thursday, July 5, 2018

Oh music, how I've missed thee

The worst headache of my life so far has kept me from listening to music for a couple days. Today was my first day back with it and I had such a huge surge of emotions that I had goosebumps upon goosebumps upon goosebumps for an entire 30-40 minute commute. I didn't even know such a thing was possible.

Today's car concert included these favorites and more:

I can I not get excited here. I sang this at the top of my lungs and felt like I was able to let go of something I've been holding on to for awhile which was liberating. That being...I'm never going to be "the nice girl" inside. Maybe I would have been but those weren't the cards I was dealt and I became something else entirely which in the end I think is ok too. I have some strengths I'm pretty proud of! But, as with anyone, I won't be for everyone and not what everyone would choose. Oh well!

This is a pretty stupid song, I admit, but I sang the hell out of it today and always eventually come back for more. His verse sucks and I'm pretty sure that's the only verse. LOL

Aaaaaaah...yes. Excited? I am! This one has gotten me through many special sessions at the gym and can almost always take me to another place.

Brought me to tears within the first 30 seconds as usual. Had to turn this one off so I wouldn't look like a complete freak when I reached my destination. ;)

First three minutes of this are some of my favorite to sing along to but have to be in a special mood for the rest. Wasn't today but you can bet I was killing that first part in my car! LOL

Thank you music! You're the best!!

What are you listening to today?

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