Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lazy is Saturday right?!

Well my "modified" shorts project is done. Here are the pics...
started with these...

and then BAM!! Ended with these. I still need to wash them so that the markings around the cuffs will go away. Can't wait to make some summer tanks and tops to wear with them.

Remember our foster kitten Levi? Well I am happy to report that he is finally well, thriving, and honestly is starting to be seen as another toddler running around. I hear strange noises in the night and hope that I don't wake up to find something utterly destroyed, thinks anything and everything is a toy--for him, he certainly rivals Taison in vying for my attention these days which is a little suffocating, he eats like a horse, stays up all night, and poops A LOT! We take him back to the Jacksonville Humane Society on Monday and hopefully he finds his forever home with a loving family soon.

I am yet to check the ammonia levels in the fish tank yet but we did have another floater today--RIP--so I will report on that tomorrow. As for the rest of the day, I am making bread, going to the grocery store, working out, and hanging out at home with the fam. What are you doing this weekend?!

1 comment:

Branch Gordon said...

Cute cat...

Way to go taking care of it and nursing it back to health. I'm sure it is thankful if cats can be thankful.